Talaria Capital are taking a stance on climate action and are using their carbon neutral status as their first big step on their sustainability journey - and their customers and team love it!

About Talaria Capital

Talaria’s purpose is to help people & communities enjoy a more certain financial future. And for over 17 years the Talaria Global Equity Fund has delivered high levels of consistent income, lower market risk and greater certainty of returns through a unique and alternative approach to global equity investing. With offices in Melbourne and Sydney, Talaria now manages funds of around A$1.4bn.

Why is Talaria Capital committed to being a carbon neutral business?

We recognise that Climate Change is an existential threat to humanity and there is a strong will across the entire organisation to act. Becoming a carbon neutral business is an important step in the journey of energy transition. We are especially excited to see the proceeds from the carbon offsets we have purchased, going to support green tech development and other carbon capture and biodiversity initiatives.

What sustainability initiatives and targets have you implemented/are you working on right now?

We are still in the early stages of our broader sustainability roadmap. With Trace’s help we are becoming more aware of our carbon footprint especially our water usage and waste generation. We are in the process of setting out targets that will drive an absolute reduction per $ of revenue of our CO2 emissions, water usage and waste.

What is your team’s and customer’s reaction to Talaria Capital’s approach to sustainability?

Overwhelmingly positive - our team has been very supportive of the commitment. Understanding how carbon credits work and how they act to support decarbonisation efforts has been educational to some of the team, while others were more advanced with their understanding. Our clients have acknowledged our efforts and we are looking forward to building out our broader sustainability roadmap.

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What have you learnt working with Trace?

Trace’s platform is a wonderful aggregator of information. We have been able to understand not only what our absolute level of emissions is, but also how that breaks down across different sources. We were surprised to find out how many more emissions we generate via our network of suppliers versus our employees’ commute which is relatively immaterial. This is helping us focus on the most meaningful contributors to emissions going forward as we craft our sustainability roadmap.

What is your advice to other business owners who are at the start of their sustainability journey?

Make a start now! It is indeed a journey and you learn so much with each step you take. If you are truly committed to helping the world decarbonise and avoid a climate crisis then this is a positive initial step  - and one that is very rewarding.

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